Thursday, April 15, 2010


this blog has been left unattended for a while...I wish I could post more often, but i feel a little lost at the i don't even know what im doing or if i'm doing the right things, but i haven't given up on this project. i still scribble down ideas here and there and everywhere so the words are still coming out but just not posted. I've got a lot of things in mind, so much that i can't get one started cause everything sounds good to me. bad...bad bad...its like my mind wants to conquer me, conquer the world(ha!) when the weather is stable and sunny i'll be doing some wheatpastes. that should be blog...i will show you pictures of my wheatpaste project when its up. I should probably start sticking stickers on every bus i take too. Accept I kind of gave up last time cause i stick one on every bus that I take daily and I still haven't seen one with my sticker on it. stupid bus cleaner people/ graffiti remover person. wish i had a pic to post but i don't want to post the digital typewriters. drawing them by hand is quite time consuming, last time it took me 2 hours and i was ALMOST done, like THAAAAAAAT close and i fucked up on ONE letter. had to start allllllllll over again. little fucker. this blog will sooner or later become an art blog and you can't blame me cause where else am I going to put the art works on? besides they won't sell untill i'm dead. If i'm lucky.

well...ok i need to pee.

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